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Buy Rental Property in Landlord Friendly Jurisdictions

Hello Everyone

Today, in our 3rd of 3 blogs on Real Estate rentals, we discuss the benefits of buying in Landlord Friendly jurisdictions.

It isn’t a given that the area that you want to buy a rental property in, will have bylaws friendly to landlords. Some areas are pro-landlord and others are very much pro-tenants. While we always want to be fair to our tenants, we are in this business to make a profit so you want to invest where the laws are fair to us as well.

We also discuss the pros and cons of rent controls in this video.

As always, if you want to talk about anything relating to Real Estate investing or you have capital to invest and would like to do a Joint Venture please get in touch with me.

Don’t forget to download the free eBooks and sign up for future blogs.

Happy investing, Darcy.